6 reasons why I made 6 different resumes

Avnie Bansal
2 min readJul 4, 2022

#1 I didn’t know what I wanted to do

I was blindly reaching out and applying to the fields I had shortlisted — finance, analytics, and marketing (The contrast, I know!) The goal? To get a feel of different industries and then decide for sure what I wanted to pursue further.

#2 Customised resumes

I had segregated my resumes into 6 different types which focused on different skillsets — namely financial acumen, strategic thinking, creativity, freelancing experience etc.

#3 All my resumes were 1 page long

It’s more professional to have one-page resumes which is actually one of the most golden tips out there. On the downside, since they had to be concise, I couldn’t even fit 1/3 of all the things I have done on the resume.

#4 A folder allowed for more copies of the resume

Since I had one folder dedicated to each resume, I could keep one editable doc copy and one final pdf. It allowed me to make minor changes in the doc and easily share the pdfs when required ( a lazy genius, for sure)

#5 I could distinguish resumes based on the folder name

Putting them in a folder allowed me to rename all my resumes as “Avnie Bansal_Resume”, it saves time for recruiters when they save the file and it honestly looked more aesthetically pleasing to me than naming the resumes based on skillset and/or renaming them every time I wanted to share.

#6 One Master CV

I received the advice of keeping one master CV wherein I jot down everything I have done to date — internships, volunteer work, competitions, and projects, from school to the collegiate level. This is what has helped me build multiple small resumes focusing on a specific skillset focused on a particular role.

